How an ancient Chinese medicine is being used to ‘cure’ facial acne
By Billie Schwab Dunn 7 Apr 2018
Read the full article on Daily Mail here.
The Chinese therapy method known as cupping has been said to help stimulate the flow of your body’s energy, but now some people are saying there is another benefit.
If you suffer from severe acne this could be the cure for you, according to people like Gwyneth Paltrow and some Australian acupuncturists and beauticians.
It is an ancient form of alternative medicine, in which a therapist puts special cups on your skin for a few minutes to create a suction.
‘Regular treatments in both facial cupping and facial acupuncture can help a lot with many skin conditions (including acne symptoms) as they promote blood flow to the area, thereby promoting healing,’ Vivian Tam, founder of Cosmetic Acupuncture Melbourne, told Body+Soul.
‘When there is increased circulation and lymphatic drainage, you are also helping to move toxin build up in the facial skin, reducing heat and inflammation accumulation,’ she continued.
Cupping is sold to potential clients as an ‘excellent non-invasive’ procedure.
‘There are a number of beauty and health benefits of facial cupping,’ Australian skin clinic, Paulina des los Reyes, said on their website.
‘The lifting motion helps in reducing the scarring, lines, acne, smile and laugh lines, and wrinkles and it relaxes facial muscles for [a] softer and younger appearance.’
‘Facial cupping works by utilising reverse suction to gently lift the facial tissue to stimulate the circulation of the blood and proper functioning of the lymph nodes.’
This means that the pressure of the cup when activated stimulates blood flow to the area that is being treated.
Since the rise in popularity of cupping there has been much debate about whether it is simply a health fad that has no real benefits.
Dr Jon Marshall, an Australian acupuncturist from Back in Health Osteo, said that cupping is generally very safe to use and has no side effects.
‘The most scathing opinions have taken the extreme stance, warning that “fads” such as cupping can become dangerous if people start to use them in place of seeing their GP.
‘Cupping practitioners have never suggested that cupping is a miracle cure or that it should be used in isolation to cure ailments.’